You're Just Angry, Coax Him

Mo Yangyang held her phone, her heart beating a little fast.

She had never thought that she would have the courage to say those words to Xie Xize. She didn't even know if it would work.

However, Xie Xize told her to wait for him.

Then, it should be every problem!

Mo Yangyang put down her phone and turned to look at Lan Dongzhi. Her cheeks were slightly redder than before.

Mo Yangyang reached out and touched her forehead. It was burning hot. It wasn't so hot when she wiped her body just now.

In just a short while, it started burning.

"She's having a fever!" Mo Yangyang said anxiously.

"Uncle Xie will be here soon. Mom, it's okay!"

Mo Yangyang went to the bathroom to get a new towel. She wet it with cold water and placed it on Lan Dongzhi's forehead.

She asked Latiao,"Xie Xize, he…" If he comes and knows that I'm lying to him, will he ... Angry? Could it be ..."

"Isn't it just anger?" Coax her. "

Now, his cheap father was so happy.