Want to Get Married, Want to Have Children

Xie Xize: " You little brat, why are you so unfilial? You just want your mother to be angry all the time. Being angry is very harmful to the body…"

Spicy Strip: " Aiya, it's still my fault. Who made my mother angry? "

"Help me this once…"


The conversation between the father and son became softer and softer.

The single police officers in the warehouse sighed with emotion!

"You want to get rid of your single status!"

"I want to get married!"

"I want children!"

" Get rid of all your unreliable thoughts, " the criminal expert said with a smile. " Focus on solving this case first! "

" I don't think that child's words were just a casual remark! "

An old policeman sighed. " He's Professor Xie's child after all. He's really extraordinary. I've asked around. He's a well-known genius in kindergarten and the neighborhood he lives in. If his mother didn't think he was too young and didn't want him to stand out, he would have skipped a grade long ago. "