We Will Get Married

" When I was young, before I met him, I was instilled with a lot of ideas about how powerful Xie Xize was. However, when I really met him, I felt that he was very scary. Others said that he was like an immortal, but I felt that he was not immortal at all. Can you imagine him holding a bloody scalpel, opening his fingers, and perfectly peeling off a hand? "

" Every time I saw him, I would tremble. Whenever he called my name, my knees would go weak, and I would always want to kneel. Many years passed like this. I always felt that he and I were in two different worlds, and it was impossible for us to have any interactions…"

"But five years ago, when something happened to me, everyone could come and step on me. Even the person I had a crush on did not look at me, but ... Only he protected me!"