No One Is More Important Than You

The bodyguard whispered to Xie Xize, " Doctor, that's what happened. We were about to rush up and subdue that person, but…" The young master suddenly walked out and said something to the drug driver. The driver suddenly cut his own neck with a knife…"

Bodyguard Jing told Xie Xize everything he had witnessed today!

"I understand…" Xie Xize frowned.

This matter would definitely be publicized with the spicy sticks. It was impossible to hide it, but Xie Xize hoped that they would see the spicy sticks leading the children to safety. He didn't want anyone to talk about the rest!

He had also seen the surveillance video. The scene was too strange. Anyone who saw it would be shocked.

This was not a good thing for the Spicy Strips.

He was still young, and it was not suitable for him to be exposed too much.

Moreover, whether this was an accident or a premeditated plan was still unclear. It was even more inappropriate to use the spicy sticks for publicity.