He Had Never Feeling Pure Love

After saying that, Zhou You was stunned for a long time!

Ever since he started doing psychological research, he treated everyone who appeared in his sight as a research subject.

He had a very large database, so he could quickly analyze a person's thoughts, what they were afraid of, what they liked, what they were anxious about, what they wanted to do the most ...

The reason why Jiang Niancheng was so resistant to him was because he felt that there were no secrets in front of Zhou You.

However, this person did not have any moral integrity.

However, Zhou You had studied so many people, but ...

She had never met a child like the spicy stick, nor had she heard such words.

The moment he saw the Spicy Strip, he knew that this child was not ordinary. He was extraordinarily smart, wise, and mature.

Before today, Zhou You had also treated the Spicy Strip as an interesting test subject. He wanted to know what secrets this child was hiding.