Is Foreseeing the Future a Good Thing?

Outside the research institute, there was a long row of cars with bodyguards in them.

It didn't seem like they were here to pick someone up, but more like they were here to capture someone.

This scene…It was exactly the same as Mo Yangyang's dream last night.

Mo Yangyang wanted to tighten her lower lip.

She heard a male voice. " I'll go back with you. Don't see Xie Wu anymore. "

Then, she heard a helpless female voice, ""Of course we have to thank Fifth Master Xie properly. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't even know where you are now. You're really disobedient. Tell me, what's wrong with our family? Who made you angry? You just ran out of the house without saying a word. You didn't come home for so many years. You didn't even give us any news. Do you know how worried Father, Mother, and Grandfather were?"