It's My Right to Spoil You

In the past, Mo Yangyang was scared to death of him. She wanted to run away whenever she saw him. He wanted to pamper her, but he didn't have the chance.

Now ...

It was different.

Now that they were finally together and could finally pamper each other openly, how could Xie Xize bear to give up his right to exercise his duties as a husband?

Mo Yangyang's heart was so sweet that it felt like it was soaked in honey.

She was a very easily satisfied person. Xie Xize's words made her dizzy.

"Fifth Uncle, you're too good at flirting with girls."

"But I've never flirted with anyone before," said Xie Xize immediately.

"I know."

Xie Xize rubbed Mo Yangyang's hair. ""Are you hungry?"

"I'm hungry…" Mo Yangyang nodded.

"Get up and eat."


Latiao and Little Chu were sitting on the carpet in the living room, playing with the Lego he brought back from the Xie family.