I'll Help You, Let's Protect This Family Together

Chaos, a mess.

Everyone harbored evil intentions. Everyone wanted to swallow the Chu Clan and become the Clan Leader.

Actually, even Chu Lengdan was thinking the same thing. He wanted to do it too…But ...

" Just you wait and see, " Chu Qingyan said nonchalantly. " After this turmoil, the Chu Clan…" If we say it lightly, it will hurt our strength and we will be removed from the circle of first-class dignitaries in Xia City. If we say it seriously, the Chu family might be torn apart from now on. In the future, we might not even have the Chu family in Xia City."

"Then how can you say it so easily?" Chu Leng was a little angry. Don't you want the Chu family?