I Am the Small Missile That Was Launched

In the blink of an eye, it was the night of the wrap up banquet.

An ordinary business car was parked outside Xi Ying's school gate. It was waiting for Xia Yishan.

After Xia Yishan got into the car, the car zoomed away.

Xia Yishan usually kept a low profile in Xi Ying Entertainment. No one knew that she had already made a cameo and had a love line with the movie king.

He had a deep impression of her because she was beautiful and had good grades. She was able to stand out in a place like Xi Ying where there were many beautiful women and talented people.

"Your university life is so enjoyable!"As Liang Qiaoen spoke, she sized up Xia Yishan's student outfit and handed her a set of clothes.

Xia Yishan looked at her clothes and saw that she was wearing a simple white dress. She did not forget to reply to Liang Qiaoen," How can I? I'm still a student. I don't understand the world of adults.""