Recovering the Surveillance Wasn't Difficult

The stage was in chaos. Qiu Ling's face was covered in dust, and Xia Yishan's expression was extremely bad. The actor who starred in Caesar the Great, Chu Teng, accompanied Yin Yibai into the ambulance. The two of them stayed at the scene to deal with the aftermath.

The broken chandelier was quickly cleaned up. Qiu Ling carefully examined the scene and finally pulled Xia Yishan to a corner. He wanted to say something but hesitated." Yishan…"

"What have you found? Just say it."

"It's exactly like what you're thinking. Someone deliberately tampered with the chandelier. According to the chandelier's weight, it will fall down very quickly and hit the actors. The chandelier was made of a special material. Although it wouldn't kill someone, it would definitely smash them. I even sent someone to investigate and found that the surveillance cameras had been destroyed. There was no evidence to prove who did it unless the surveillance cameras could be restored."