You're Blind Too

This scene was perfectly acted out, as if it was a real proposal scene.

The director didn't say cut. The two of them just hugged each other.

Xia Yishan felt her arm go numb. Why hadn't the director shouted cut yet?

She leaned into Best Actor Su's arms and could hear his strong heartbeat. She could even feel his breathing.

If it was in private, she would still be bold enough to go up to him. However, in front of so many people, she seemed a little stiff. She did not know whether to hug him tightly or loosely.

On the other hand, Su Jingting was the same. His eyes were glued to Xia Yishan. She looked more beautiful in the wedding dress than he had imagined. Her bare shoulders were fair. He hugged her. The faint fragrance on her body drilled into his heart, making his heart churn non-stop. He even thought of carrying her horizontally and leaving.

When Xia Yishan reacted, she would beat him to death.||