Su Style Awakening Technique

Su Jingting and Xia Yishan spent the first day of the new year together.

The next day, Su Jingting, who was sleeping on the sofa, woke up early. Fortunately, Xia Yishan's apartment had his daily necessities, so he did not have to go back to Yujing Garden to get them.

He pushed open the bedroom door. The girl on the bed was still sleeping soundly. Her posture was really indescribable.

After hesitating for two seconds, he leaned closer and observed Xia Yishan carefully.

She looked really good at eighteen.

In his original memories, she was always wearing heavy makeup. Occasionally, when he saw her without makeup, she was so beautiful that it made him suffocate.

He had fantasized about how beautiful she was when she was eighteen. She was pure and childish, and a little charming. Her big eyes seemed to be able to speak.

She was more beautiful than he had imagined.

Su Jingting looked at her quietly until it was already ten o'clock on his watch.