Refund Your Cost

The nine high-end products and several ordinary series of products that were released by Se received unanimous praise.

People in the industry were still regretting that they had not seen the new work of the mysterious mysterious designer Summer.

The CEO, Sharon, sighed,"Summer has already changed her profession. She has long forgotten that she is still a designer!"

Xia Yishan facepalmed. She was ashamed of herself. She was really busy filming recently.

His inspiration ran out, and he forgot about the design.

The new product launch lasted for about an hour, and it was followed by a thank-you banquet.

The thank-you banquet was much more relaxed than the new product launch. Without the media and reporters, the participants could speak freely.

In order to make Xia Yishan happy today, Sharon had specially done her homework. She didn't invite anyone that Xia Yishan didn't like or didn't like Xia Yishan.