Raising a Dog to Be a Third Wheel

Su Yujie went straight to Yujing Garden with some ulterior motives.

Only God knew that he had set off from Yujing Garden to the company in the morning and was now going back.

His brother didn't tell him earlier, so he didn't have to drive around.

I'm sorry, it's his fault. His brother didn't come early!!!

Everyone understands (́ `)

After arriving at Yujing Garden, Su Yujie warned himself to be careful.

He entered the password and stuck his head in." Brother?"

No one responded.

He mustered up his courage and entered the house. After making a round downstairs, there was still no one. Su Yujie could only muster up his courage and go upstairs.

On the balcony, there was a familiar back view on the phone.


Wearing a pair of cow-like pajamas? A hooded one? There were two horns on the hat?

Who the hell is this!

Su Yujie rolled up the report in his hand and used it as a weapon." Who are you, monster?! Why are you at my brother's house?"