She Had Only Money Left for Her Boyfriend

On the way back from the bank, Ye Yiyi saw a familiar person.

Yin Yibai was shopping with a boy.

Ye Yiyi felt hatred in her heart. If Yin Yibai hadn't gone too far, she wouldn't have broken up with Xia Yishan to this point.

This was all Yin Yibai's fault! It was all Xia Yishan's fault!

She, Ye Yiyi, had only relied on herself to climb up step by step, yet she was standing in their way!

Why was Xia Yishan able to gain both fame and fortune, Yin Yibai able to have someone to accompany her, and she had to be threatened by CEO Zhu to live a life worse than death!

Ye Yiyi dialed the number again and said coldly,

"I won't argue with you about President Zhu's matter. In return, I want you to help me do one more thing. After it's done, the remuneration will be paid!"

"What I said is of course true."

"Don't worry, the other party doesn't have any background!"

"If it's done, I'll definitely transfer the money to your card."

