At least Get A Movie Queen

Xia Yishan and Liang Qiaoen sat down, and someone poured them wine.

"CEO Wang, you're too polite. This is our company's newcomer, Xia Yishan. I specially brought her here to broaden her horizons."Huanya Entertainment's Manager Chen also came and introduced Xia Yishan to CEO Wang.

A higher rank would crush someone. No matter how unconvinced Liang Qiaoen was, she couldn't say anything.

Xia Yishan was laughing in her heart. It sounded as if Xia Yishan was the one who had to lick her face and rush over.

CEO Wang had already drunk some wine. When he saw Xia Yishan, his eyes lit up.

To be honest, people of his status rarely went to the movies. They would not understand the graceful and graceful artistes in the entertainment industry on the screen. Most of the time, they would meet in person, at the dining table or other occasions...

He did not expect Xia Yishan to be so beautiful in person.

It was much more beautiful than he had imagined.