Best Newcomer Award

The seats on the stage were filled one after another. The host went on stage to give a speech, opening the curtain of this international film festival.

The first song was the opening song by a popular singer.

Ever since Xia Yishan entered the entertainment industry, she had been paying close attention to singers. Coincidentally, she quite liked the singer who was performing the opening performance.

He watched with relish.

Su Jingting was jealous.

Heh, isn't she just someone who can sing? What's so great about her?

What was he singing? It was a mess of words. Calling it rap was like chanting scriptures (́ `)

Su Jingting did not like singers like this!

In the future, he would add a rule with Ye Xin that no such rap was allowed in the places he appeared!

It was decided so happily.

Then, the award ceremony officially began.