The Trophy Can't Be Lost

The remaining Best Male Lead and Best Female Lead awards undoubtedly pushed the entire International Film Festival to its climax.

Bai Qiuman had been nominated for " The Return of the Youth " and Qi Mingcheng for " The Harem." Unfortunately, they had missed out on the Best Actress Award.

In the end, the two who won the Best Actor and Best Actress award were two veteran actors who had worked hard for many years in the entertainment industry. They deserved their fame.

Such an outcome was within his expectations.

After the International Film Festival came to an end, everyone left in an orderly manner.

Su Jingting brought Xia Yishan back to the Yujing Garden villa. She was tired after showing up today. Xia Yishan fell asleep leaning against Su Jingting in the car, holding two super heavy trophies in her hands.

It didn't matter if he fell asleep, but he couldn't lose the trophy.

The driver and Assistant Sun were speechless.