10,000 Motherf * ckers Rushing Past

Tan Xiaoling naturally knew that Lin Chengze had a woman outside. She did not know if it was just a show or if it was real.

In the beginning, Tan Xiaoling was also very disgusted. After a few times, Lin Chengze was willing to coax her at first, but later on, he was not even willing to coax her. He even ignored her for a few months.

Men would turn bad when they had money. This was self-evident, and Tan Xiaoling accepted it.

Later on, Tan Xiaoling spent all her time dressing herself up and tried her best to get rid of the rustic air on her body. As expected, she charmed Lin Chengze again!

Then, Lin Chengze bought a villa for Tan Xiaoling.

However, Tan Xiaoling knew that in front of an outsider like Xia Yishan, she still cared about her face. She would definitely not reveal her feelings.