Damn Pretty Boy

After running a few laps, the people in the horse track were ready to take a break.

Debby took the bottle of mineral water from the maid and ran to Steven." Steven, here! Drink some water!"

"Thank you, Princess." Steven had no choice but to accept it.

As a CEO, he was usually very busy. If it wasn't for Xia Yishan, he wouldn't have come.

It was also the royal horse farm. He couldn't refuse the princess's water.

He was doing business in Murica and had no choice but to deal with the royal family. Steven naturally made it clear that he should not fall out with them if possible. However, Princess Debie's feelings for him were becoming more and more obvious, which was not a good thing.

Would the royal family allow a princess to follow a merchant around every day? Steven was still wary of this, so much so that he often deliberately kept a distance from her.