The Trick of the Past Life Has Been Broken

If it wasn't for Yin Yibai's reminder, Xia Yishan would have forgotten that she was still a student of Xi Ying and that she still had to finish her studies.

Most students who entered the entertainment industry were like this!

Many of Xia Yishan's assignments had already been done by Yin Yibai. Therefore, the time before the exam was the most painful time for Xia Yishan. She had to spend a few days cramming all night. Otherwise, she would not be able to pass the exam. Her memory was used to memorize her lines and rarely remembered the knowledge points in the books!

It was funny to say that in her previous life, Xia Yishan had become a mystery because of the fight at home and the heart of the scumbag. She had lived her life quite a drama.

In this life, Xia Yishan had been pursuing self-improvement. She had never thought that love would come so suddenly!

Besides, Xia Yishan was really happy to have Su Ting.