Movie Queen Xia Yishan

Rui Yu handed the envelope to Mr. Su with both hands. It was better for Mr. Su to announce the result.

It was romantic!

A husband presenting an award to his wife!

Rui Yu could barely control her excitement!

She believed that Xia Yishan was also waiting for Su Jingting to call out her name so that the two of them could stand together on the stage!!!

The camera landed on Su Jingting's hand. He calmly opened the envelope and took out the list inside.

It was as if it had nothing to do with him and his wife!

His deep voice rang throughout the entire International Film Festival.

"The winner of the Best Actress Award at this International Film Festival is..."

The nominated female artistes were all sweating nervously, except for Xia Yishan who was leaning lazily against Su Jingting.

Oh, her husband was the most handsome no matter how she looked at him!


He really wanted to rush up and give her a bear hug!

"Xia Yishan!"