Present Your Gun

Due to the effects of the drug, He Qingwei's reaction speed was also much slower. When he saw his first wife glaring at him, he realized that something was wrong.

There were still so many people!

When he looked at himself and the two women beside him, he would know!

He was…

He had never been so embarrassed in his life!

He Qingwei almost died of anger.

Mrs. He was even more furious. The elegance and elegance that she had cultivated for so many years erupted at this moment. She pulled the two women over and hit them with all her might.

He even took off his high heels and jabbed them hard on the two women.

She seduced her man and everyone knew about it!

The two women cried out heart-wrenchingly while He Qingwei put on his clothes as quickly as possible.

"Enough!" Old Master He rushed over and roared angrily before Mrs. He stopped.