Wedding March 3

After the bridesmaid's checkpoint, it was the bride and groom's home field.

Su Jingting knelt down on one knee with flowers in his hands.

The bridesmaid, Rui Yu, took out her husband certificate and asked on behalf of the bride.

"Groom, how do you plan to pamper the bride in the future?"

"I'll spoil her until she's satisfied."

"Who is earning money to support the family?"

"I'm in charge of earning money to support the family, and my wife is in charge of being beautiful."

"Who will do the housework?"

"I'll take care of everything."

"What if you meet someone of the opposite sex who likes you?"

" Keep your distance. Same gender too."



Such a question was a piece of cake for Su Liaoliao.

Not only could he answer perfectly, but he could also make the bride blush.

The groomsmen, bridesmaids, and everyone in the live broadcast room were all stuffed with dog food.