A Good Horse Doesn't Turn Back (Sharon)

After PE moved into Beijing and Sharon became the CEO of PE China, she became busier and busier.

He often drank and socialized late into the night.

Needless to say, Fu Yiming was the sales director. When he was at the wine table, he would chat with the customers and make them happy.

Later on, Ren Qi, the top designer in China, also rose up step by step. He had to socialize occasionally.

In the end, she was unlucky and met a customer who could drink a lot.

Sharon was worried, so she went to the client with the two of them.

It was true that she could drink a lot. She drank until the three of them were muddleheaded and even forced herself to send the customers away.

Vomiting, fainting, an illusory night.


The next morning, Sharon was the first to wake up. When she saw Ren Qi lying beside her, she screamed and stepped back, bumping into Fu Yiming again.