Little Childhood Sweetheart Is Quite Feisty (Part 5)

"You're wonderful, so you shouldn't give up on yourself. You are much smarter than me, and if you study hard, you will succeed in life in the future. I will also take good care of you." Fanxing repeated what Soul Searching Spirit had taught her slowly.

Soul Searching Spirit was practically howling in tears.

But what else could it do?

It was really desperate!

A wave of emotion rushed through Qi He.

He had no idea how long it had been since he had received encouragement from anyone. Was he really that good? Should he really not give up on himself? Did he still have a future?

That emotion wasn't present for long.

It was because Fanxing had silently retrieved another paint brush from her bag…

Little Chief drew two green turtles on Qi He's face and patted his cheek. "This is the second time you have made a mistake. So I drew two."

Damn it!

In order to erase any trace of the turtle previously, Qi He's face had almost become swollen. In the end, she drew two this time around, and he was so furious that he was about to explode!

However, after taking a good look at Fanxing, the young boy blushed swiftly.

Initially, it was a faint flush on his cheeks before it rapidly spread to his entire face like a virus. And then it spread to his neck as he turned red.

She… she had taken off all her clothes when she saved him just now.

"Idiot! Y—you… put on your clothes!" Qi He had rarely ever stammered.

After Fanxing put on her clothes and Qi He recovered himself, they walked back.

Little Chief wasn't someone who liked to talk. She opened her bag and chewed on a candy.

Just when they were about to part ways, Fanxing forced her words out slowly. "You have to hang in there. Don't learn to do bad stuff. I will take care of you."

Qi He's heart jerked.

He couldn't decipher that feeling.

It was as if someone was walking on the edge of a cliff and had abandoned himself to despair; at that time, someone had extended a hand.

After that incident, Qi He would unconsciously turn to look at Fanxing during lessons.

Both of them were in the same plight as they weren't really well-liked by others.

He had the reputation of being a rebellious student as he didn't pay attention in class. As for Fanxing, she was being ostracized for her lack of intelligence.

Both were… incompatible with the people around them.

Although she was stupid, Little Chief was a serious student.

She bit her pencil as she wrote notes. The teacher had finished the first 10 pages, but she was still slowly taking notes for the first page…

Sometimes Qi He felt…

Even a fool was so hardworking. Shouldn't he work hard too?

No matter how hard Fanxing studied, she was still being despised by those who sought to despise her. Their literature teacher was young and impatient, and she would lecture students when she lost her temper.

Normal children would bear a grudge, but she could reprimand an idiot in any way she liked.

It was human nature to bully the weak.

"Yun Fanxing, is your brain an ornament? How can you get such a simple question wrong? Why are you in school? Are you here to waste resources?" The literature teacher distributed the test papers and rattled off.

Fanxing held her test paper as she examined the bright red score of 38 on it.

She tilted her head in silence. In the past, she never had to learn anything. When she came to this world, only then did she find out about studying and marks. Everything was new to her. As for the teacher, she continued her abuse as she stood on the platform, but Little Chief didn't take it to heart at that moment.

She mentally took out a red notebook and recorded quietly:

First test in this life. Got a 38.