Little Childhood Sweetheart Is Quite Feisty (Part 12)

It had been proven that fairy tales were fake. Although Qi He had spent two years with Fanxing, no feelings between a girl and a boy had blossomed.

There was no indication of any budding love either.

After all, a teenager of 16 years old was also at his most rebellious and prideful age.

Qi He had been too used to hanging out with ruffians when he was younger. And then he got used to pretending that he didn't care to avoid being laughed at by these friends.

How could he develop feelings for a little idiot?

Wouldn't he be mocked by everyone?

Humans were very practical creatures.

Even if a person liked an idiot, he or she wouldn't believe that they would last. How could he or she marry an idiot and spend a lifetime together?

To word it nicely, the idiot could be described as innocent or pure.

Although Qi He fleetingly thought of how dim-witted Yun Fanxing was and how her family didn't really care about her and wondered about her future, he cast the thoughts aside in the blink of an eye.

Before the summer vacation ended, Qi He traveled to the county town to rent an apartment. He chose one that was near his school. He got the things he needed ready and was prepped for school.

He seemed to have gotten the hang of studying.

His high school teachers who used to label him as a hooligan, all congratulated him and heaped him with praise. That pleased him well.

He didn't mind studying. He maintained the persona of someone who had become the top student easily despite breaking the rules like a hooligan.

He was both bad and good.

People loved and loathed him.

Being pretentious in this way was awesome!

At the Yuns' residence in Haicheng.

If Fanxing's grandmother hadn't called Yun Xiaohuai and Xie Huixiu suddenly, they would have forgotten that they still had a daughter.

Were there any parents who didn't love their child?

But Fanxing's existence had left them heartbroken.

Yun Xiaohuai and Xie Huixiu felt that they did love their daughter. If not, they wouldn't have occasionally thought of their dim-witted daughter. A pang of pain would then stab their hearts, and they felt that the Gods were too cruel to them.

They loved her, and that was why they couldn't bear to see her.

They couldn't bear to see how stupid she was, and so, they endured the pain and sent her far away.

Initially, Fanxing's grandmother had accepted Fanxing because her parents gave her a sum of money. However, after so many years, she had grown fond of her and treated her as her real granddaughter.

The old lady was fiercely protective, to the extent that she was almost unreasonable:

an education was mandatory, and it was the only way for her to enter society! So, why couldn't an obedient girl like Fanxing attend school just like the rest of the students?

Grandmother was so furious that she had specially made a trip to the school's head office in the county town. The staff rejected her nicely but firmly and advised her to go back.

The old lady was at her wits' end when she remembered that the Yun family was rich and influential. Fanxing was their daughter, and it shouldn't be a problem for them to help. That was why she called them.

If it wasn't for this, she would never have contacted the Yun family.

What if they suddenly decided to bring their daughter back?

They had another daughter, but she only had little Fanxing.

However, this would affect Fanxing's education.

After she hung up, Yun Xiaohuai told Xie Huixiu, "Since Jiayue is still having her vacation, let's make a trip down to settle Fanxing's school matters."

Xie Huixiu furrowed her eyebrows. "What if she insists on coming back with us?"

Although they had never spent time together, they were after all related by blood.

Just like how a chick would follow its mother closely.