Little Childhood Sweetheart Is Quite Feisty (Part 21)

As for Qi He, the teacher adored and hated him in equal measure.

He was smart and would always be a step ahead.

However, due to his cleverness, he also had nothing to fear.

He slept in class and behaved recklessly. He smoked in the toilets and refused to listen to advice. He didn't mix around with the good students and preferred to be friends with ones whose results were bad.

Fortunately, he hadn't gotten into any fights.

Did you reckon that Qi He didn't want to?

It was because he didn't dare to.

He discovered that every time he wanted to go to the fighting "arena" to join in the fun, that little idiot Yun Fanxing would tail him, in a seemingly leisurely fashion.

It was as though she was conveying a message. She was just following him, and she wouldn't do anything.

But once he did something wrong, she would draw turtles on his face.

Qi He felt that he couldn't bear the shame for the time being!

When Qi He got home and saw the clothes in the corner, he massaged his temples. Inhaling a deep breath, he resigned himself to his fate. He poured detergent on the clothes before washing them.

Washing clothes for a girl was unfamiliar at first, but he soon got accustomed to it. After all, it wasn't such a big deal after having done it several times already…

He also discovered that bras were really soft.

Soon, it was Tomb Sweeping Day.

Someone familiar came looking for him. To be precise, that person was from the Qi family.

It was rumored that the Qi family business ran into some problems lately. So they came back to clean and tidy up their deceased family members' tombs. They also repaired their ancestors' tombs in hope that their ancestors would bless them.

They also remembered that they had a son here, so they decided to visit him out of convenience.

Qi Muwu brought Qi Sheng along with him. They had asked around and received news that Qi He had moved to the county town. Thus, they made their way here for a visit.

"Are you cohabiting with someone?" Qi Muwu caught sight of clothes that belonged to both genders on the balcony.

Qi He glanced coldly at his birth father. "What does that have to do with you?"

"What future prospects would you have if you began to dally with women at such a young age?" Fortunately he had another son. If not, this unfilial son of his would drive him to an early demise!

The more Qi He tried to understand his words, the more he felt that something was wrong.

"I thought you already knew that I was a good-for-nothing years ago?" Qi He sneered coldly. "If not, why would you send me to the village?"

His mother had just passed away, and Qi Muwu had eagerly re-married again. And he brought home Qi Sheng, his half-brother who was merely half a year younger than him.

Did a man like him have a sense of responsibility?

Qi Sheng watched them as though he was a detached bystander. He sneered coldly to himself. Actually, there wasn't a need for him to make this trip. His overly-cautious mother was worried that Qi He might have turned over a new leaf secretly and become ambitious. He might return to fight for his inheritance once he had grown up.

But it was evident that he was still a useless bum. He couldn't be bothered to treat Qi He as his rival. That would be an insult to himself!

Whenever Qi Muwu shot Qi He a question, he fired a retort back.

In the end, the older man got impatient and slapped Qi He.

"I paid for your food and lodging and money for your education. I didn't provide for you just so that you can oppose me!" Qi Muwu studied his son with loathing in his eyes.

Qi He licked his lips and felt a numbing sensation in his cheek due to pain. "You're saying it wrongly. You gave me money for food and education, but the money is from my mother. You lived off a woman and took her money. Shouldn't you admit to that after taking her money?"

Qi Muwu was so livid that he almost beat Qi He to death.

Qi Sheng flashed Qi He a grin to provoke him before he left with Qi Muwu. Trash!

Qi He sat on the ground as he leaned against a chair. He entered a daze and began to laugh. In the midst of laughing, he began to cry…

  1. Tomb Sweeping Day - a festival where people pay respects to the dead in China.