Little Childhood Sweetheart Is Quite Feisty (Part 26)


This little idiot Yun Fanxing's strength wasn't that of an ordinary person! She had once thrown him into the river effortlessly, before fishing him out.

Qi He shuddered unconsciously and hurried forward to stop Fanxing, who was in the midst of committing a crime.

He groped the head that was inside the plastic bag and managed to locate Qi Sheng's nose. He felt for his nostrils to check for his breathing…

Whew! He's still breathing!

Qi He hastily grabbed Fanxing's wrist and fled the scene with her.

Damn it! If she had continued, Qi Sheng would have died.

Qi He interrogated, "What were you doing just now?" Even after fleeing a long distance, fear still lingered in him.


She had nearly scared him to death! Would this little idiot become the first murderer that he knew?

Fanxing extended her hand to stroke Qi He's cheek. "Was he the one who bullied you today?" She couldn't even bear to lay a hand on her little flower. How could she allow someone else to bully him? She would be really furious if that happened.

Fanxing was really protective, and this protectiveness stemmed from her soul. As long as someone was within her charge, they could never be bullied by anyone. This was an inexplicable instinct of hers. Even if her brain wasn't functioning normally, this instinct still existed.

Qi He was puzzled. Was she trying to avenge him, and that was why she had been so vicious towards Qi Sheng? Her love for him had escalated to this extreme?

For some reason, Qi He felt nervous.

If she was willing to commit murder because she loved him, what would happen if this little idiot were to realize that he didn't like her…? Would she kill him out of anger?

"Forget it…" Qi He's face turned red.

Fanxing inched closer and blew on his face.

And Qi He reacted…

He coughed and sputtered as he choked on his saliva.

Hadn't she realized how intimate this action could be?

Almost instantly, Qi He recalled all the novels that he had read which shouldn't be named. He hadn't felt anything when he read those. At most, he would feel a throbbing sensation and it would soon vanish. However, now, his mind was racing with lewd thoughts—

"You're the little flower that I need to protect. I won't let anyone bully you, understand?" Little Chief sounded firm and domineering. Yet, when these words left her lips, it didn't sound outrageous.

I won't let anyone bully you.

Won't let anyone bully you.

Bully you…


Her words rang repeatedly in his mind.

Then his face heated up instantly.

He blurted out, "Who needs your protection?!"

He spun around and fled without a thought of where he was headed to. He resembled a blushing little wife.

Because of the intense shock, Qi He hadn't registered the overly feminine description "little flower" that she had used.

Fanxing stared at Qi He as she tilted her head. She was surprised. "Why did he run off, Soul Searching Spirit?"

Soul Searching Spirit was speechless…

It didn't want to respond right now.

If it was right, God of War was evidently embarrassed. For thousands of years, God of War had always been cold and unfeeling. He was known for being aloof and distant to everyone. This fragment of his soul had been acting a little overboard, wasn't it?