Sister Lan's hacker S's avatar is exposed

Bo Li Cheng sensed the change in the young man's mood.

His long and narrow eyes slanted slightly. may I ask why Mr. S agreed to take my order? "

Shi qinglan suddenly looked up at the man.

After meeting S, this was the first time Bo Li Cheng and S looked at each other. Previously, the youngster had used the baseball cap to cover his eyes and wore a mask, clearly not wanting to expose his appearance.

He had deliberately chosen an occasion like the seal Palace, probably because he wanted to blend in with the blinding Lights to hide himself.

The young man raised his eyes to look at him, his exposed eyes were slightly charming. Although they looked cold, the upturned shape of his eyes and the shimmering light in them could not be hidden.

"A sudden impulse, and my eyes opened at the sight of money."

Upon hearing this, Bo Yucheng's dark eyes deepened, because he suddenly remembered that Shi qinglan had also used these words to persuade him back then.