The devil professor LAN is actually going to give a lecture?

At Imperial University.

The university campus in autumn was covered in fallen golden leaves. Stepping on the asphalt road, the crisp sound of the fallen leaves being crushed under his feet could be heard. This gentle color could not help but make people feel comfortable.

Shi qinglan returned to school on Monday, and the mid-term exams were on Thursday and Friday. The weight of the mid-term exams at Imperial University was the same as the end of the semester, and many departments had research projects in the second half of the semester. The mid-term exams were the most important criteria to assess interns ...

"You're finally back after skipping class for so long."

A flirtatious, high-pitched voice suddenly rang out. Han Yina was playing with the pen in her hand and glanced at Shi qinglan sarcastically. Shi qinglan, if I were you, I'd choose to take leave immediately and come back to class after the mid-term exams.