Sister LAN takes action and overbearingly deleted the post

Soon, a new post appeared on the campus forum-

After clicking on it, the topic was obviously about Shi qinglan.

It was nothing more than an inventory of the time she took to hand in her papers for each exam. The longest was an hour, and the shortest was half an hour before she handed in her papers and left. The OP boldly guessed that she had handed in a blank paper!

After all, according to the freshmen of the medical school, even though professor LAN did not set the questions for the exam, the difficulty of the questions was still not to be underestimated, especially the medical Physics exam, which was almost laughed at ...

Many people even complained that they didn't finish the questions. How could there be such an operation of handing in the paper in advance!

[ tsk, I feel like the OP has a lot of malicious intent. ]