Exposed, Shi qinglan's boyfriend!

The video was actually about Shi qinglan!

It was a mix of clips. Cheng yankai's remarks about her poor medical skills and the fact that she had harmed patients were all taken from various surveillance videos and cut together!

At the end of the video was a clip of Shi qinglan's surgery!

However, in order to ensure the patient's privacy, only a very blurry part of the surgery was heavily pixelated, which happened to be the part where Bo chengru was bleeding profusely. Even though the specific picture could not be seen clearly, the girl's calm command could be clearly heard ...

The video ended with the announcement of the surgery's success.

They also edited in the cheers and praises from the surgery live broadcast room!

[ Oh my God! [ although I'm not a medical student, I'm still inexplicably on fire after watching this video! ]