You actually know miss Shi?

The man's expression froze for a moment.

Although he couldn't remember which han family she was from, the woman in front of him was his type, and it would be rude to continue asking. I'm lucky to have heard of her.

Han Yina's eyes lit up when she heard that.

She gently held the wine glass, the ecstasy in her heart almost shattering her heart, and she even showed it without hiding it. I didn't expect you to have heard of the Han family, Sir.

Could there really be such a han family in the circle of rich and powerful families ...

Moreover, no one knew what the real han family's daughter looked like, which gave her a chance to take advantage of the loophole.

The man smiled gently and elegantly. . 've heard of you. How could I not have heard of. beauty like miss han ...

Han Yina pursed her lips and smiled shyly.

She smiled gently and then clinked her glass with the man's. it's my honor to be praised by you.