Shi qinglan is jinglan!

Shi qinglan's pretty face also turned cold.

She strode to Qi yehan and pointed directly at his temple while he was dodging the bullets ...

"So what if I said it?" Her eyes were cold.

Even if Qi yexi threatened her with the secret of jinglan's identity, it would never change her mind about killing him!

Shi qinglan narrowed her eyes. Qi yexi, you still have countless lives waiting for you to pay for them ... Tell me. After you're done, I'll personally send you to hell!"

"Ha ..." Qi yexuan sneered disdainfully.

He didn't seem to be afraid at all, still standing lazily in the same place, even sliding his hands into his pockets.

The man lifted his chin slightly and gestured behind Shi qinglan. you'd better see who's the one sending who to hell.

Hearing this, Shi qinglan immediately turned to look.

Behind them, countless Crimson night Alliance members rushed in with timed boom tied to their bodies, surrounding them.