This patient is your future hospital director!

Shi qinglan was carefully sent to the plane.

Bo Li Cheng stood at the ramp, tall and slender. He turned to look at the tarmac, only to see everyone bowing respectfully and deeply at the plane Shi qinglan was on.

"Please come back safely, doctor jinglan!" The prayers were loud and clear.

All the medical staff who had sent Shi qinglan off, as well as some of the patients who had recovered and been discharged, waited there in a spectacular manner, giving their most grateful and sincere blessings.

Bo Yicheng nodded slightly and said, " she will.

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and walked into the cabin. Looking at the unconscious girl, the man slowly squatted down.

He caressed her face with his hot palm and said in a low voice, " Lan Lan, the patients you care about the most have recovered. They are waiting for you to come back safe and sound.

Shi qinglan's fingertips trembled slightly.


At the Medical Research Institute in A land.