A Grand proposal (4)

Shi qinglan looked down at the man in front of her.

Bo Yicheng's dark eyes were deep, but this time, he could easily discern his emotions. In those dark eyes, there was extreme sincerity and affection, as well as unconcealable nervousness and panic ...

He tried to open his red lips again. LAN ...

"I'm willing to." Shi qinglan's voice suddenly sounded.

Bo Li Cheng only felt his entire body being shaken, a strong emotion shooting from his fingers to the top of his head!

"What did you just say?" He looked at her in shock and surprise.

Shi qinglan's Red lips curved up slightly. The bouquet of roses in front of her made her smile even more radiant. I said ... I'm willing to do so."

Bo Li Cheng's heart was suddenly wrapped in ecstasy!

Not only did his nervousness not ease, but his heart beat even more violently, as if it was about to jump out of his chest!

"Dong ..." The sacred Bell of the church suddenly rang.