Sister LAN, just try a bowl of chicken soup!

Shi qinglan's Red lips curved up slightly.

She looked up at Bo Li Cheng with a sweet smile. I know, I know. I won't eat anything.

"Yes." Bo Li Cheng gently rubbed her head.

He leaned closer to the woman and planted a light kiss on her cheek. He said in a deep voice, "go.

Shi qinglan leaned over and kissed him back, then unbuckled her seat belt and got out of the car happily, but ...

Just as he reached the entrance of the club, he met er Li.

He had obviously seen the two of them having an intimate interaction again. He looked at her with. complicated expression. then ... Who is that?"

Shi qinglan's eyelids fluttered slightly.

Her expression was calm and composed. didn't you see it all? "she said nonchalantly and matter-of-factly.

Er Li didn't expect her to admit it so readily.

He opened his mouth wide in shock, and his jaw seemed to have dislocated. really ... It's true ... Brother Bo, your sexual orientation is really ..."