You are salvation (15)_1

Fu min was wearing a white dress today, but it was drenched by a basin of water. Her back was completely wet, and traces of her bra could be seen.

Jiang xubai's sharp eyes had already seen it anyway.

It was light pink ...

He couldn't help but hold his forehead and immediately turned around, stammering, ""That, I, I didn't do it on purpose."

The tips of her white ears turned red.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Fu Shang reflexively picked up the coat to cover his body. Then, he saw a red-faced one.

The youngster's skin was originally white, and the redness on her face was unusually obvious.

Fu Shang burst out laughing.

Jiang xubai felt even more embarrassed. He hurriedly wanted to push the door open and go out. He was already on his feet.

Fu Shang quickly stopped him.


Jiang xubai stopped in his tracks obediently, but he still did not turn around. His thick eyelashes kept blinking as he said weakly, ""W-what's wrong?"