You are salvation (47)_1

His sister told him not to be angry, so he would not be angry.

However, he would definitely seek revenge for the smallest grievance.

The man's thin lips slightly curved.

We all have to be responsible for our words and actions, don't we?

Jiang xubai held Fu Shang's hand. let's go home, sister.

"But the school anniversary just started not long ago ..."

who's more important? the school anniversary or me? " Jiang xubai asked.

Fu Shang was speechless. Playing was more important.

Of course, she couldn't say this out loud. Otherwise, she didn't know what this person would do.

Fu Shang pushed Jiang xubai's shoulder forward with one hand and said in an annoyed tone, ""Alright, alright, let's go home."

Jiang xubai raised his eyebrows. He looked at the red dress that Fu Shang was wearing. It was an off-shoulder dress, and her entire shoulder was exposed. It was fair and tender, and it was dazzling.

The man's eyes darkened.