You and the flag are both religions (27)_1

Was there really something wrong with this person?

Get back together again? Even a love brain shouldn't be like this, right?

Fu Shang tried to pull her hand out but the young man's grip was too strong. It was as if her hand was bitten by a turtle and she couldn't pull it out no matter what.

"Let go of me, or I'll beat you up."

Fu Shang gritted his teeth and threatened while his other hand clenched into a fist.

Qu Miao was stunned. He clearly didn't expect that the gentle and beautiful young lady in his memory, an existence like the White moonlight, would actually say something like "I'll beat you up."

The door of the lounge was pushed open again. This time, the person who came in was dressed in a well-ironed military uniform. The sound of his military boots stepping on the ground was extremely rhythmic.

The man stopped in his tracks.

His cold gaze looked over calmly and landed on the two people in the room, their hands clasped.

Fu Shang: