Prelude to Slapping Her Face 2

Three days later.

The pier, which was 50 miles away from Huan City, was no longer as cold and cheerless as it used to be. Instead, it became extremely lively.

More than a dozen large boats were docked. One of the boats was strangely shaped and was shorter than the rest.

The boat was covered in gold foil that sparkled beautifully.

Carriages arrived from Huan City and stopped at the edge of the pier.

The waves were strong and everyone was waiting for the waves to subside.

After the aristocratic descendants alighted from the carriage, they gathered with the core group of people comprising Su Zhiyu, Su Zhijing, Feng Yunying, and Feng Yunyi, and chatted cheerfully.

Jun Mohuang's carriage was the last to arrive. After she and Jun Jianlin got off the carriage, the four people immediately noticed them.

The four of them looked terrible when they saw Jun Mohuang.

The Su sisters recalled the day they were forced to hide in the trash.