Slap To The Face 1

The Su Family wouldn't even have had the chance to be the only one in the limelight while the Jun Family stood by the side.

Naturally, Jun Yangfeng blamed Jun Mohuang again.

In the happy and excited atmosphere, no one noticed Jun Yangfeng's mood at all.

Everyone's attention was on the Jade Spirit Core that was about to be brought back and the Star Transcendence Pill.

Among the people present, besides the Jun Family who were feeling sour, only Master Hu and the others from Baibao Pavilion were the calmest.

"I saw the first ship, it's back, it's back!"

The group waited eagerly. Finally, after two hours, someone finally saw the first ship approaching in the distance.

Everyone looked over and saw a small black dot in the distance. They were even more excited.

Right on the heels of that, several small black dots appeared on the surface of the sea as well.

Half an hour later, the first ship stopped at the harbor.