Scared Off

But he could not give up. The bones of a cultivator grew very quickly. If they were not fixed in time, the leg might become disabled.

Wu Qianyong's status in the Wu Family was low to begin with. If he became disabled, his life would be even worse.

After much difficulty, he finally arrived at the entrance of the ancestral hall. A group of descendants of the Wu Family dressed in luxurious clothes walked over with smiles.

When the leader saw Wu Qianyong about to leave the ancestral hall, he walked over and kicked his broken leg.

Wu Qianyong suddenly felt a surge of pain as he lost his balance and fell to the ground.

The few of them stepped forward and punched and kicked him. They even stepped on his broken leg evilly.

"Humph. Wu Qianyong, so what if you're the first son? Your status in the Wu Family is worse than a dog's."