Slap To The Face 5

As for Jun Mohuang, she only completed it first because she was just mixing a bunch of medicinal liquids that had been soaked in water.

It was so simple, so of course it was faster than the Su Family's Patriarch, who was earnestly refining pills. There was nothing to be shocked about.

Jun Mohuang smiled at this obvious difference in treatment.

She was done before Su Yuanhang was and had nothing to do. Hence, she closed her eyes and focused on cultivating with the Gold-Swallowing Fire in her vital energy.

Half an hour later, a thick pill fragrance wafted out of the Green Phoenix Cauldron and floated in the air above the square.

Everyone greedily sniffed this pill fragrance and immediately felt their pores open. They felt extremely comfortable.

Everyone was overjoyed and looked at the Green Phoenix Cauldron eagerly.