Magical Skill Lost

Master Yao Tong reminded her. "Princess, be careful. The fruit you're holding is a Crimson Sun Fruit. It's highly toxic. A drop of it can immediately kill a Spirit Casting expert."

"Wow, I'm so afraid. If I touch it, I'll be poisoned to death too! I don't want to die yet…"

Feng Yunying's face turned pale with fear, and she hurriedly threw the red fruit in her hands to the ground.

A drop of liquid could kill a Spirit Casting expert. As a weakling in the spiritual realm, she would die if she even got a spray of it on her skin.

"Don't worry, Princess. As long as you don't break the skin of the Crimson Sun Fruit, you'll be fine."

A princess of such a small country was really ignorant.

Disdain flashed across Master Yao Tong's eyes, but he continued explaining.

"Thank God."

Feng Yunying patted her chest as if she had just escaped death and heaved a sigh of relief.