Purple-eyed Sleeping Beauty 1

The three of them were lying in the carriage during the day and in the tent at night. They were nowhere to be seen.

They couldn't stand up at all. Their legs trembled at the thought of standing up.

These days lasted all the way to the City of Beastmen.

The next day, Di Lingtian really apologized to Jun Jianlin. The two of them talked about something before Jun Jianlin's enmity towards him suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Now that the three annoying flies were gone, the problem between Di Lingtian and Jun Jianlin was resolved.

Jun Mohuang also learned the method to treat Jun Jianlin's legs. She spent the entire journey relaxing.

On the night when they arrived at the City of Beastmen two days later, Chi Chi went to the forest to hunt. Besides carrying a magical beast, he also picked up a person.