Huge Movement 1

A strong male aura enveloped her.

Those strong arms hugged her tightly as if she was a rare treasure.

At the thought of her being hugged tightly by Di Lingtian, Su Zhiyu's face burned and her heart beat wildly.

She thought that the surprise was a confession and a gift. She did not expect Di Lingtian to be even more passionate than she thought. He hugged her without saying anything.

It seemed that… he liked her more than she thought.

Su Zhiyu was secretly delighted and couldn't help but soften her body in his arms. She even wrapped her arms around his waist.

In the darkness, Feng Yunyi smelled Su Zhiyu in his arms and was so excited that the blood in his body was boiling.

Sensing Su Zhiyu's soft body in her arms, Feng Yunyi was even more excited.

As expected… his Yu'er was just embarrassed, but in reality, she was burning with passion and desperately wanted to have more contact with him.