I Won't Harm You 2

Jun Jianlin was taller and heavier than Nan Gongli, but Nan Gongli was strong and had the help of her spiritual energy. It was simple for her to carry Jun Jianlin and fly.

In the night breeze, lights flashed across the city.

After flying more than a dozen streets with him in her arms, Nan Gongli arrived at her destination. She placed Jun Jianlin on the bed and reached out to finish what Feng Yunqi did to continue last night.

Jun Jianlin pushed her hand away defensively. "Men and women who don't know each other shouldn't touch each other. Miss, please don't do anything rash. Send me back."

"Men and women who don't know each other? We'll know each other soon enough."

Nan Gongli ignored his protests. She pulled Jun Jianlin's hand away and neatly removed his clothes.

Then, Nan Gongli reached her claws towards Jun Jianlin's other clothes.

"Miss, stop!"

Jun Jianlin's handsome face was burning red.