Shocking Reversal 7

Feng Yunying and the others turned around at the same time. Upon seeing the Jade-horned Lizard covered in blood, a mocking smile appeared on their faces.

"Pfft, what's there to see? Jun Mohuang lost…"

But soon, when they saw the situation in the field clearly, they couldn't help but widen their eyes and freeze on the spot.

On the field, the Jade-horned Lizard was indeed covered in blood and looked severely injured.

But at its feet, the Scaled Armor Beast's huge body fell to the ground, its thick neck and head separated.

Crimson blood gushed out of its broken neck like spring water and splashed on the lizard's body and the floor.

The Jade-horned Lizard, which everyone thought was doomed, was unharmed. Instead of dodging, it raised a claw and placed it on the dead Scaled Armor Beast, letting out an excited roar.

The jade horns on its forehead were all dyed red with blood, emitting a cold light and a bloody glow under the natural light.